Embrace your goal, embrace your environment, embrace yourself.
Breaking the tape isn’t necessarily about finishing first, it can also be about crossing the finish line and breaking the tape metaphorically.
Having coached athletes to win races and achieve their goals, no matter what they are, breaking the tape or crossing the finish line can be one of the most satisfying and rewarding moments in life.
It all starts with the question: ‘what do you want to achieve?’
Do you want to finish a race for the first time?
Do you want to improve and set new goals?
Do you want to raise money for charity by completing an endurance event?
Do you want to beat or get closer to friends and peers?
Do you want to qualify for selection for a race, team or games?
Do you want to win a race or achieve a podium finish?
Whatever your target, purpose or motivation, if you’d like to break the tape, to achieve your goal in endurance sport, please get in touch. I’d love to hear more.
Whatever your goal, the plan will be bespoke to you and your environment. Wherever you live, wherever you train can be used to your advantage: to build endurance, to build strength and to build resilience.
Through consultation we will work out a plan - specific to you and your goal. We will consider every element of your life (that you are willing to share) so that we can plan a timetable that fits in with your busy life.
Time is finite, but we can find it if we want to. Time for family, time for work, time for training, time for nutrition, time for rest.
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